Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Federacion Rusa, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Irlanda, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Montenegro, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rumania, Serbia, Suecia, Suiza, Turquía, Ucraina
Vigent Srl
The VIGENT s.r.l. is a young company in the distribution of smoking articles and in the specific brand of "Movida" Papers & Filters.
FOR AGENTS: select JUNIOR SALES, to be added to its own expanding sales network, to expand its staff. Currently Vigent s.r.l. is present throughout...