Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Federacion Rusa, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Irlanda, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Montenegro, Noruega, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rumania, Serbia, Suecia, Suiza, Turquía, Ucraina
Cuochissimo Srl
FOOD INDUSTRY (spiced breading sector / mixing of spices and seasonings for meats - chocolate bars - chocolates - coffee)
Cuochissimo srl, a company operating in the agri-food sector and owned by UNICUSANO - Niccolò Cusano telematic university, searches
figures to be...