Agentes Comerciales

Nash Andrea

Ref ID: 0077256898

Commercial Sales Agents Distributors Interior Design (Private housing), Contract Market (Hotels, Restaurants, Office)

location Austria, España, Italia, Portugal

Belgium Nash Andrea


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NASH ANDREA is specialized in custom-made rugs and carpets. The rugs we offer are handmade and come in various types: tufted, knotted, or woven. The most commonly used materials are wool, silk, jute, Tencel, and polypropylene (PP) for outdoor rugs.

To expand our sales network in Europe, we're seeking motivated and passionate sales agents in the Home equipment, Furniture, and Decoration sectors. As a sales agent, you will have the crucial responsibility of creating, maintaining, and developing your commercial network within your targeted region in your country.

Your mission will involve establishing trust-based relationships with our target clientele, including interior architects, decoration stores, and hotel design professionals. You will be the ambassador of our quality products and services, highlighting their unique characteristics and added value to your clients. Through your expertise and market knowledge, you will contribute to strengthening our presence in these rapidly expanding sectors.

We offer you the opportunity to work autonomously while benefiting from the support of a small and dynamic company. Joining NASH ANDREA means embarking on a rewarding adventure where your sales talent will be recognized and valued. If you are ready to take on this challenge, we invite you to join us and actively participate in our growing success.

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