
Brands In Sweden AB

Ref ID: 0077255821

Sales Agents for Shoes

location Finlandia

Sweden Brands In Sweden AB


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Brands In Sweden is looking for an agent operating in Finland. Joya is a Swiss comfort shoe brand and has been very successful in the Nordic countries.

It was started in 2007 by Karl Müller & Claudio Minder. Karl Müller has a very strong connection to the shoe comfort industry as his family once invented the Masai barefoot technology who came to revolutionize the shoe industry. Now they are back with a new comfort brand that takes a big leap in both technology and comfort - Joya.

Joya is one of very few shoe brands that has been rewarded with the AGR seal. AGR is an German organization which certificate products that are especially back friendly to use.

Now we are looking for an agent to develop the brand in Finland. We are looking for a long term partner that can help the retailers to be successful and who also trust in the brand as we do.

We believe that you have experience in the shoe business and that you are self-sufficient and can take initiative. You need to speak Finish and English well in both speech and writing.

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