

Ref ID: 0077255943

Skilled Sales Agents for Fitness and Health

location Bélgica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Estonia, Federacion Rusa, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Montenegro, Países Bajos, Polonia, República Checa, Rumania, Serbia, Turquía

Sweden Smartshake


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For the last 10 years, Smartshake has developed and launched innovative shakers and water bottles for the whole fitness and health sector. The brand is well known in the industry, as well as among consumers. We work globally and sell approximately 5 million shakers and water bottles to +70 countries. We’re now looking for skilled sales agents to further enhance our presence in a selection of regions.

We offer an extensive portfolio of products marketed towards different segments of fitness, sports, and health industry. A fair amount of product features are patented or patent-pending, making the Smartshake line truly one of a kind. All products are of high quality and have gone through rigorous testing to ensure our high rate of customer satisfaction. With a selected range of vibrant colors, patterns and design our products are a natural fit with today’s athletic fashion.

For more information about Smartshake, please visit:

What we’re looking for:
    • You are a skilled sales agent with documented sales experience in the selected region.
    • We believe you already have close contact with gym and fitness centers, sports retailers, fitness supplement retailers or other retailers in the fitness/sports / health industry. 
    • You have strong communications and persuasion skills, making you a confident cold caller, product presenter, and deal closer. 
    • You have sufficient skills in English or Swedish for contact with the Smartshake sales team. 

What we offer you: 
    • A high margin product with huge turnover potential (we have a high acceptance rate upon the first presentation in several countries).   
    • Strong performance-based commissions. 
    • The opportunity to independently develop your sales plans and strategies.
    • Close contact with the Smartshake HQ, including Sales and Marketing. 

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